Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Random Late Night Bits....

"We create our own hell, but if you love deeply and forgive truly you will always be in heaven.  <3 b="" can="" how="" i="" motto:="" serve="" todays="" you="">
-Something I wrote 4 years ago today

I came across this today... It got me thinking about the things that I have created in my life, both good and bad.  This brought me back to a place of reflection and thankfulness to be exactly where I'm at in life- the good and the bad.

I'm beginning to treat my interactions with others, no matter how casual the encounter, as though there is no such thing as small talk.  It's so much more rewarding to me to talk about things other than the weather, or comment on a casual occurrence of something that happened. 

I love learning, and I love people, and the more I actively listen and engage people in conversations and try to coax out opinions I learn who people really are and how their mind works.  I am creating my own heaven.

I've noticed this has also done wonders for my interpersonal relationships in general because people like to be acknowledged and know that they have been heard.

Came across this too-
The cardboard sign I sat on University Ave with for an entire day.. I met some truly amazing and wonderful people. When it all boils down to it we want the same thing, a connection. Not only do I keep this sign as a reminder of what I've done, but also for where I'm headed. Live Love, Give Love.

I still have this sign in my room.  It's a daily reminder to see people through a non-judgmental, kind and lens.  I really did meet some great people, and the stories!  I had one German Stanford student sit down with me for over an hour and vent to me about his girlfriend and whether or not he should break up with her- I met a Turkish guy that was a single Father trying his best to raise his kids, work and be a homemaker- I met a homeless man that lost everything because his wife passed away and then he got sick- I met a New Mexico girl that was a student and had a twin, and was in the midst of writing a book.- and so many more great people with stories!

There are connections everywhere, you just have to reach out your hand and touch one.

People are beautiful.  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

I highly suggest talking to a stranger, and having a real conversation... you may make a real connection and wonder how you ever lived without this person- or you may learn something about yourself.